Robert Merle Gimbel - Letters home starting 1-4-1951 to 11-15-1952

My brother Bob was drafted into the army in 1951. These are the letters he wrote home to our parents, Orpha Fouts Gimbel and Claude "Bud" Gimbel.

I was born in 1949, so my first memories of Bob were of him on leave, the beautiful oil painting proudly displayed in our living room that his friend painted and of course, after his return, his bright tropical patterned shirts from the Phillipines.

I love you Bob, and I miss you. Mom treasured these letters and now I am sharing them with the world.

World....I hope you enjoy reading them!

Monday, August 9, 2010

May 25, 1951, Friday

Pvt. Robert Gimbel
U.S. ########
Co. B Boat Ba.
369th EB & SR Reg.
Fort Wordon, Washington

Dear Mom and Dad,

I was real glad to hear that you're going to open that shop.
It sounds like it's a real nice one. It ought to be good and light with all those glass blocks in it.
You don't necessarily have to send the check. I am just curious how much it came to.
It's nice to know that I am in business. (Mom and Dad made the business a partnership and Bob was 1/3 owner).
The weather is real nice here, real mild.
I haven't any doubts in the world that the shop will go all right. In fact, I think it will do swell. I am glad to hear that Jack hasn't any business, because he's brought it all on himself.
Next week is payday, Orie and me are going into Seattle to get the information on train fare to Kazoo, as we are going to start saving up our money so we can come home, when we get our furlough.
I am writing his before breakfast. It's 6:30 A.M. now.
I got to get a hair cut today, as it's real long.
We met a couple of guys here that live in Grand Rapids, Michigan, one knows a lot of people in Portage Center, but didn't know anyone I knew.
Mom, I am real sorry about Mother's Day, I should of sent a card, but I was thinking of you as always.
I bet pup is really growing up, isn't he? (Must be our beagle Sparkie)
Did I tell you in my last letter that I broke my glasses. Well, I did. I got to get them fixed. I am going to take them into Port Townsend Saturday or that is tomorrow.
Well, I guess this is all for now, as I have to go get something to eat or go without.
Well, all of you, take care of yourselves and Lots of Love.
Love Bob.
When I said I liked this place real well, I didn't mean I liked it better than home. I mean I would rather be home and painting cars.

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