Robert Merle Gimbel - Letters home starting 1-4-1951 to 11-15-1952

My brother Bob was drafted into the army in 1951. These are the letters he wrote home to our parents, Orpha Fouts Gimbel and Claude "Bud" Gimbel.

I was born in 1949, so my first memories of Bob were of him on leave, the beautiful oil painting proudly displayed in our living room that his friend painted and of course, after his return, his bright tropical patterned shirts from the Phillipines.

I love you Bob, and I miss you. Mom treasured these letters and now I am sharing them with the world.

World....I hope you enjoy reading them!

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

February 7, 1951, Wednesday

Pvt. Robt. Gimbel
U.S. ########
Co "C" 69th Med. Tk. Ba. CCB
6th Armd. Div.
Fort Leonard Wood, MO

Dear Mom and Dad,

I got your letter tonight, and sure was glad to hear from you.
I got a letter from Bob Allen and his wife yesterday.
About those pills I haven't got them yet or my camera, I guess it's the railroad strike. OK, that's holding things back. I think it slows down the mail too, or maybe people aren't writing, as the mail calls are a little shorter lately.
You said you got your furniture the other day, I am glad and I bet the house looks like a million bucks.
I have sent another pillow cover today, I hope it gets there. I sent it air mail, I haven't gotten it back so I guess it went OK.
If Dad is planning on getting a new car, have you seen pictures of the new Desoto, or the car it's self? It's okay if you want, I have been thinking it over, you could trade my car in on your new one too. It probably wouldn't make much difference but it would help a little. Mine's getting old, and the way cars are going down it won't be worth hardily nothing. You would have to fix the fenders a little and those rust spots, except for that it's okay. I don't think we can afford 2 new cars in the family but we ought to be able to have one new one.
After I get that insurance paid up which is, you know what it is. I don't see why that wouldn't work as we both go to work at the same time anyhow, What's left of that $40.00 month $25.60, which would help a lot on a new car, and I want you both to have one.
Rusty's 4 door cost $2626.00 that's with everything and a 2 door wouldn't cost that much, I don't think so. I figured it out at 24 month payments, it would be $78.00 dollars a month, and my $25.00 would make it $53.00. I wish you would do this, if you can.
You can call me this way, Call Fort Leonard Wood, MO, then ask the operator for the "Orderly Room" of the 69th Med. Tk. Battalion co "C" 6th Armored Div. and then you'll get the orderly room and they will call me to the phone anytime of the night. Tell them I sleep in the First Platoon, upstairs , on top of first bunk on right hand side of room. That's all there is to it, they won't refuse to call, because there's an order that says he has to find me no matter where I am. As long as I am not at the show or something, the best time would be at 10:00 P.M. or a little later, not much after though, the guy that stays there, it's his job to be there all night for calls. They call him the CO.
Will you and Dad make out my income tax blank, then send it to be signed if it has to.
Ask Dad if he remembers that tall slim kid over to VanderKlok's Delivery that drove that 1947 Chev. Club Cpe, the Freedom Blue one, he's here too. His name is Wallhyde or something like that.
The passes are 24 hrs. ong, whoppers aren't they, Saturday noon to Sunday noon.
We're going on "Bivouac" which is maneuvers, like mock battle and all that. It lasts all week and we camp right out there, just like a picnic. Huh! Ha Ha! So, I don't think I get any mail or any phone calls, that's this next week 12th to 18th, so if you are coming, don't come then. I got to know a couple of weeks in advance.
Don't forget that new car, I am really serious that is if you and Dad can afford it. I am willing to help.
Lots Love,
Write soon.

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