Robert Merle Gimbel - Letters home starting 1-4-1951 to 11-15-1952

My brother Bob was drafted into the army in 1951. These are the letters he wrote home to our parents, Orpha Fouts Gimbel and Claude "Bud" Gimbel.

I was born in 1949, so my first memories of Bob were of him on leave, the beautiful oil painting proudly displayed in our living room that his friend painted and of course, after his return, his bright tropical patterned shirts from the Phillipines.

I love you Bob, and I miss you. Mom treasured these letters and now I am sharing them with the world.

World....I hope you enjoy reading them!

Friday, August 13, 2010

December 12, 1951, Wednesday

Pfc. Robt. Gimbel
U.S. ########
Co. "C" Replacement Ba.
3rd Platoon
Camp Stoneman
Pittsburg, California

Dear Mom and Dad,

I imagine you are wondering what in the heck is going on, so I thought i better write and let you know as I know you want to know real bad.
I gave Grandpa my watch to send home as it stopped once on the way to Chicago and once Friday night. I'll let you know when to send it back to me.
We got in San Francisco at 9:00 P.M. Saturday night. The plane made a lot of stops but that way I can say, I was in a lot of places I never was before even if it was only for 15 or 20 minutes.
I left Chicago at 5:30 A.M. Saturday morning. We refueled at Kansas City, Missouri. I didn't think I would ever see that state again.
From Missouri, to Wichita, Kansas to Amarillo, Texas, to Albuquerque, New Mexico, to Phoenix, Arizona, Los Angeles to San Francisco.
So I really got around, didn't I?
You should see Los Angeles by air at night. It's really beautiful, all lit up, just like a giant Christmas tree, all different colors.
I got here at the camp at 12:15 and they kept us up all night, processing, records, shots and etc. Checked our clothing Sunday morning, gave us Sunday afternoon off.
I had K.P. Monday from 3:00 A.M. to 7 P.M at night. I was real tired when I got up or it wouldn't have been so bad. But I lived through it. Ha!Ha!
Now we are waiting to get alerted and to find out which ship we will go on.
Some guys are being flown over but I don't think we will be. There's a ship leaving every day, I never knew that.
This is quite a busy place here. It's a real nice camp. 2 shows, Service Clubs, NCO Clubs and a Club just like a NCO Club for Pfc.s and Pvts only. I can't get into the NCO club because I am not a Corporal yet.
The foods good, I've got nothing to complain about except you got to be pretty tricky to get out of details, but I manage okay.
This afternoon they had a big formation. Some guys got allerted, otheres went to get paid and they divided the rest of us up for detail.
Me and 2 others were on the end of the platoon and as we marched between the barracks, we fell out and ran around the other side and down the stret. They don't take your names so they don't know what in the heck our names are. We haven't been here long enough for them to know us.
I'll write later and take car of yourselves and I am always thinking of you all.
Lots of Love,

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