Robert Merle Gimbel - Letters home starting 1-4-1951 to 11-15-1952

My brother Bob was drafted into the army in 1951. These are the letters he wrote home to our parents, Orpha Fouts Gimbel and Claude "Bud" Gimbel.

I was born in 1949, so my first memories of Bob were of him on leave, the beautiful oil painting proudly displayed in our living room that his friend painted and of course, after his return, his bright tropical patterned shirts from the Phillipines.

I love you Bob, and I miss you. Mom treasured these letters and now I am sharing them with the world.

World....I hope you enjoy reading them!

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

August 5, 1951, Sunday

Pvt. Robert Gimbel
U.S. ########
Company "B"
369th Engineer Boat and Shore Regiment
Ft. Worden, Washington

Dear Mom and Dad,

I suppose you are out on the lake fishing as I sit here writing this letter. I sure wish I was there.
I am sending home my Driver's Certificate. I want to frame it as I don't think too many of Swabby Soldiers have them.
The other Saturday, when we were having inspection, Colonel Spar, our Regimental Commander, came up to me and said, "Are you the Cox wain?" and I said, "No, Sir!". He said, "Seaman, huh!". He then asked me if I ever had operated the boat, and I didn't ever have the opportunity as I didn't have any cox wain training.
Then he asked me if I would like to run it and I told him yes, with the answering of "Sir" after every statement. Ha Ha! He then said that he would see that I got the chance to run it.
He then asked if i had any signal training, with Semaphore Flags and etc. I said no. Then he said "Just what kind of training did you have?" I said I went to truck driver's school, Sir, and he acted kind of surprised and his face got a little red and he put his face down and walked away.
I really thought that was funny. I think he was a little amused himself.
I missed all the Seaman training working on the beach, but the only thing I missed out on was the signal school, the rest is very simple.
It couldn't be too difficult or I wouldn't make first crew, and we really have a swell one.
We are just the way me and Neil (Neil Davis, friend and co-worker) used to joke around. Feed each other a line and howler at one another, but we really don't mean a word of any of it.
I guess this is all for now, so write and take care of yourselves and send me a picture of Sparky (Our Beagle) when you start to take them.
Tell the kids Hello and tell Sylvia if she wants to write me, I'll be glad to answer, that is if she writes.
Love Bob.

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