Robert Merle Gimbel - Letters home starting 1-4-1951 to 11-15-1952

My brother Bob was drafted into the army in 1951. These are the letters he wrote home to our parents, Orpha Fouts Gimbel and Claude "Bud" Gimbel.

I was born in 1949, so my first memories of Bob were of him on leave, the beautiful oil painting proudly displayed in our living room that his friend painted and of course, after his return, his bright tropical patterned shirts from the Phillipines.

I love you Bob, and I miss you. Mom treasured these letters and now I am sharing them with the world.

World....I hope you enjoy reading them!

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

August 31, 1951, Friday

Pvt. Robert Gimbel
U.S. #######
Company "B"
369th Engineer Boat and Shore Regiment
Ft. Worden, Washington

Dear Mom and Dad,

I am barracks orderly today, so I thought I would write as I got a lot of time.
Unless they change their minds, I guess I am going to school down at Coronado, that's about 6 miles south of San Diego, California, right on the coast.
I guess they are going to make a Cox wain or engine man out of me. I hope I go, because that's the only way I'll get to California.
The guys that went there, said they had a swell time.
We just got paid, a few minutes ago, the monthly disgrace that is.
I hope everything is okay.
I am going to call tomorrow, maybe I'll sneak over this afternoon and call if I can get away with it. But I am calling tomorrow for sure.
I am sending some more pictures home, that one of Jay's makes him look as if he's grown 6 inches or a foot taller, maybe he has.
Save these negatives, I want to have some prints made because some of them are pretty good. The one of me by the cannon is good, I think. I would like to have it enlarged some day.
Well, all the guys have left. Orie said he would stop in and see you folks.
Some Indian caught a 900 lb. Sturgeon on the Columbia River and used a 4 lb. Salmon for bait. I wouldn't mind even catching a little 4 lb. salmon, would you?
Well, this is all for now and write soon.
Tell the kids, Hi!
Lots of Love,

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