Robert Merle Gimbel - Letters home starting 1-4-1951 to 11-15-1952

My brother Bob was drafted into the army in 1951. These are the letters he wrote home to our parents, Orpha Fouts Gimbel and Claude "Bud" Gimbel.

I was born in 1949, so my first memories of Bob were of him on leave, the beautiful oil painting proudly displayed in our living room that his friend painted and of course, after his return, his bright tropical patterned shirts from the Phillipines.

I love you Bob, and I miss you. Mom treasured these letters and now I am sharing them with the world.

World....I hope you enjoy reading them!

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

June 20, 1951

Pvt. Robt. M. Gimbel
U.S. ########
Company "B"
369th Engineer Boat and Shore Regiment
Ft. Wordon, Washington

Dear Mom and Dad,

I suppose yo both wondered when in the heck you were going to hear from me. I was going to write last night, but we had to scrub the barracks so I didn't have time.
Orie and me have been having some nice times on the week ends in Port Angeles which is 50 miles from the fort.
Week before last we went there and Saturday night was hitch hiking back when some people picked us up and took us toward the Fort, then they asked us when we had to be back to camp and we told them midnight Sunday.
Then they said why don't yo come stay the night with as then tomorrow we will go for a drive after church and show you around. So we went back with them.
Sunday morning we went to church and met a lot of real nice girls and everyone was real friendly.
Then we went for a drive, they took us out fro dinner and then took us back to the Fort, they were real nice people, they were Canadians and he had been a Capt. in Canada's Army.
So the following Sunday which was the day before yesterday, we were out bowling with 4 of those nice girls and had a grand time. I mean the date was on Saturday night.
Sunday we went to church and they asked us to sing in the Church Choir, the choir director that is. It was quite a thrill believe me.
After church, a man by the name of Argenbright invited us over for dinner, he has 2 cute daughters also. They said the had an extra bedroom and anytime Orie and me come to town we were welcome to stay the night there.
I guess we have personal magnetism or something, but everyone likes us and is so friendly. It helps when a guy is a long ways from home.
The week after next I have a date with a girl there, her name is Betty Joe Shropshier. Quite a name, isn't it? She's real nice.
Us truck drivers have been working on the beach. I work for a 2nd Lieutenant. I am in charge of 6 guys and we do small construction jobs.
We just got through building a large raft for the LSM boats. I don't do any work, I just am supposed to tell them what to do and how and see they do, do it and keep them busy in general.
So maybe I might get a good deal down there then.
I got the clothes and camera. It's sure a beauty. I like it swell. I'll send you some pictures one of these days.
Mom, the cookies wee delicious, in fact they sure didn't last very long at all.
How's business Dad? I see by last Sunday's add that you got bumping in it too, do you do it or does someone else?
People aren't very good about answering letters. I wrote Isabel 3 letters and Grandpa Gimbel 1 and he hasn't wrote me back. I suppose he's awful busy tho.
In my last letter, I told Isabel, she didn't have to write but that I wanted her to send me Dick Plunkett's address, but I guess she isn't going to do either. It doesn't make any difference though.
I sure wish I had my car up here, I could go see that girl every night the. Ha! Ha! Betty Joe that is.
We had bayonet practice tonight, because these other guy's didn't have it yet.
Well, thanks for everything and write soon and tell those sisters of mine, Hi.
Lots of Love,
Your son.

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