Robert Merle Gimbel - Letters home starting 1-4-1951 to 11-15-1952

My brother Bob was drafted into the army in 1951. These are the letters he wrote home to our parents, Orpha Fouts Gimbel and Claude "Bud" Gimbel.

I was born in 1949, so my first memories of Bob were of him on leave, the beautiful oil painting proudly displayed in our living room that his friend painted and of course, after his return, his bright tropical patterned shirts from the Phillipines.

I love you Bob, and I miss you. Mom treasured these letters and now I am sharing them with the world.

World....I hope you enjoy reading them!

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

July 2, 1951

Pvt. Robt. Gimbel
U.S. ########
company "B"
369th Engineer Boat and Shore Regiment
Ft. Worden, Washington

Dear Mom and Dad,

I just got off guard duty and am off until noon. so I thought I would write a little.
We are going on bivouac for 10 days this afternoon.
It is foggy here this morning, but the sun always comes out after dinner.
I went to the show last night, it was "War Path" starring Edmond O'Brien and Forrest Tucker. It was about Indians and in technicolor and it was real good.
I got a letter from Grandpa (Otto Louis Gimbel) and he said he had a new car.
I hope business picks up more, I know it will.
I have a magazine of automobiles. it has some old ones in it like Pierce Arrow. It has Firestone tires on it. They are pretty flashy. There name was on the tires in gold. You could see them a mile away.
Now it isn't as they are more well known and it isn't necessary.
That's the way it is with us, it just takes time like you said.
About Dorthea, she used to be married to Orie. She didn't like him to scold her little boy, or make him mind and she's Catholic which he said didn't work out so good either because of the differences in religion.
As far as her saying that he's always asking for money for the both of us, isn't true. He only asks for it for himself.
Shirley is Orie's girl, he likes her best, but doesn't like to tell Dorthea as she promised to sent him the money to come home on and Shirley can't afford it, right now I don't think she can either now, that is Dorthea, I mean.
I guess he is just using her. I told him it was the wrong thing to do, but he's pretty stubborn. In fact he joined u for over seas duty.
He wanted me to go with him pretty bad, but we would get separated and I believe in letting nature take it's course. It hasn't done bad so far.
Of course, there's no one I would rather go over seas with or in combat with as he knows the score as I do. The rest of these guys here aren't trained as good as we were.
I've heard that the 2nd brigade is coming back here from Korea and we will have to move to make space for them.
They have already been replaced in Korea so we won't go there. Maybe it will be some place closer to home.
Europe wouldn't be too bad tho. Of course I would rather stay in the states, but a guy could go to a worse place, I guess.
I am sending some pictures home. I took some of scenery around here, but they didn't turn out. It was a dark day.
The General is supposed to show up in a little while, and I am pretty good bait as I am sitting in the Day Room, which is part of the orderly room here. He likes to get some guys and question them.
So, I am not going to stick around any longer than necessary. Ha!Ha!
About this moving, I was talking about. It might be in September, I am not sure. No one seems to be. Ill let you know more about this later.
Thanks for the money again, I bought a new Schaffers pen with some of it. It really writes nice.
This isn't exactly a letter, it's more like a story, huh! But I guess I got to write a long one sometimes.
Well, I guess this is about all for now, tell everyone hello, take good care of yourselves.
And remember, I think of you all, all the time.

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