Robert Merle Gimbel - Letters home starting 1-4-1951 to 11-15-1952

My brother Bob was drafted into the army in 1951. These are the letters he wrote home to our parents, Orpha Fouts Gimbel and Claude "Bud" Gimbel.

I was born in 1949, so my first memories of Bob were of him on leave, the beautiful oil painting proudly displayed in our living room that his friend painted and of course, after his return, his bright tropical patterned shirts from the Phillipines.

I love you Bob, and I miss you. Mom treasured these letters and now I am sharing them with the world.

World....I hope you enjoy reading them!

Saturday, July 31, 2010

January 8, 1951 Monday

(No return address, I'm thinking envelope was tucked into a package)

Dear Mom & Dad,

How are you?
Here's a pillow case that I think will go good with the living room.
Got rest of uniforms today, they sure are swell.
It's about 10 degrees below zero in the morning and night.
I was classified today, I think it will be mechanics or photography. I like both, maybe I can learn something.
We might leave for camp tomorrow night, I am not sure.
I hope everyone is well, tell everyone hello.
I really like it and am having a swell time, we can go to shows every night. Last night Bob Pattison and I, he's a fellow I graduated with, went and seen "Tomihawk" with Yvonne DeCarlo," boy oh boy", Van Heflin and Preston Foster. It was real good.
I'll be writing soon, take care of yourselves.
Love Bob.

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