Robert Merle Gimbel - Letters home starting 1-4-1951 to 11-15-1952

My brother Bob was drafted into the army in 1951. These are the letters he wrote home to our parents, Orpha Fouts Gimbel and Claude "Bud" Gimbel.

I was born in 1949, so my first memories of Bob were of him on leave, the beautiful oil painting proudly displayed in our living room that his friend painted and of course, after his return, his bright tropical patterned shirts from the Phillipines.

I love you Bob, and I miss you. Mom treasured these letters and now I am sharing them with the world.

World....I hope you enjoy reading them!

Saturday, July 31, 2010

January 16, 1951 Wednesday

Rct. Robert M. Gimbel
U.S. ########
Co. C-69th Med Tk Ba.
C&B 6th Armd. Div.
Fort Leonard Wood MO

Dear Mom & Dad,

Just a few lines tonight to let you know that I am always thinking of you, all of you. And I hope everyone is feeling fine. I am swell, but still have a running nose that I had all summer.
We had a real big day today, this morning we had instruction on how to disassemble and assemble the rifle. We had four hours of this and I now can take it apart and put it together in about 5 minutes. In the afternoon, we had instruction on the right way to aim our rifles, that was pretty easy for me too.
You should be getting some of my letters soon, I think they are pretty lapse on getting it out on time. I haven't received any as yet.
The wind is getting strong, I think we might get some rain, I hope not as it gets awfully sloppy in this clay. (Missouri Mud that is). It gets on a guys boots about an inch thick and you have to clean and polish them every night.
I have been away from home only about 10 days and it almost seems like 10 months. I think when our quarantine is off, that is 4 weeks, i will come home the week end, if I can get the transportation.
Orie Drake is in my same barracks and he seen Elmer Conklin, he has his 50 Ford up here, he goes home ever weekend and maybe we can come home with him and if I do, I'll see you.
How's the weather in Kazoo? It's a little colder but bright here.
I haven't very much time left tonight and I have to shave and take a shower, so this is all for tonight.
Good night and good health.
Your Son Bob
The General spoke to us the other morning and he says we are all engineers.

January 14, 1951 Sunday

Rct. Robert M. Gimbel
Co. C-69 Med Tk Ba
C & B 6th Armd. Div.
Fort Leonard Wood Mo

Dear Mom & Dad,

Well, today is Sunday and we are going to be changed in our barracks in alphabetical order.
I made a mistake when I said Jack the boy from Sherwin Williams went to Texas, he's here in Missouri in the next barracks.
We just got back from dinner.
How's the weather in Kalamazoo? It was snowing here when we went to church this morning. It is only raining now.
You ought to see the soil here, it's all clay, red clay and it sure gets our shoes dirty. Yesterday we marched 3 miles to get clothes, then didn't get any, now we have to go way back again.
I want you to know I miss all of you, and I sure miss your cooking Mom. Mom, you said once that you would see if you could send the Gazette to me, if you could, it would sure be swell. There are a lot of Kazoo fellows that would like to see it when I was finished.
I sent the fellow Jerry across the street a card. Has Ted (Ted Klinger) been over?
The Sargent said that not too many of us would get a leave until our unit training was over which will be 8 weeks after basic, if not, I am coming home if I get a weekend pass or 72 hours, for sure.
It sure is sloppy weather.
I am having a hard time writing this letter as the fellow in the next bunk is writing also, and is asking me how to spell every other word.
Tomorrow is the big day.
How's the shop, lots of business? (Body Shop at Daleidens)
I hear my picture was in the front page of the paper, if I would have known, I would have smiled a little more.
It's 600 miles from here to Kazoo.
I have been losing weight, as I can feel it.
This is all I can think of for now, so as soon as you get my address, write me, as I sure am dying for a letter from home.
Tell Claudia Hello, can Rosemary talk yet? (I was 1 year, 5 months old).
Goodbye for now.
Your Son Bob

January 12, 1951 Friday

Rct. Robert M. Gimbel
U.S. ########
Co. C 69 Med Tank Div.
CCB 6th Armd. Div.
Fort Leonardwood, Missouri

Dear Mom & Dad,

Well, I am finally stationed at my basic training station. I am at Fort Leonard Wood Missouri. It's not bad weather but it's kind of damp.
Did you get my clothes yet?
We only had 15 minutes before train time. I was going to call but all the other guys had the same idea so some of us didn't have time.
How is everyone?
We got in cap today at 1:30 this morning. Didn't get to bed until 2:15, had to get bedding and supper. From Fort Sherdian to here we transferred five times. It's a real large cap. 86,000 acres. We can't leave the Co. area which is about 3 square blocks for 3 weeks.
I sure would like to have a date with a good looking blond or anything.
Jim Foster is down here, some where. Jay went to Texas, I wanted to also but I am glad as I am far away from home as it is. Bill Resseguic, a fellow that Bush and I used to run around with and whom we graduated with, is in my barracks, and sleeps one bed from me. That makes it nice as he is a good guy.
Sunday we have off? Maybe.
They are putting our rifles in the racks tonight. They are M1's, that's the Garand Automatic 30 Caliber.
How's business, Dad?
How's my sweet little sisters?
It might be more than 6 weeks before I'll be home, I hope not.
The government wants to build a large army and the shortages in army cloths are such that the boys don't have proper clothes to train in. Thats all they can talk about is shortages. But I like it more than I thought I would.
Tell Grandma and Grandpa Hello and Gays for me, (Itha and Natalie Gay, neighbors) and I'll write them when I can.
Don't forget to write me now that you can, big address isn't it? Ha! Ha!
I'll see you all soon and remember, I love you all.
Write soon as I am sure lonesome for some letters.
A guy just said that his rifle weights 9.65 pounds and after you carry it a couple of miles the decimal point drops out.
Write soon.
Your Son

January 8, 1951 Monday

(No return address, I'm thinking envelope was tucked into a package)

Dear Mom & Dad,

How are you?
Here's a pillow case that I think will go good with the living room.
Got rest of uniforms today, they sure are swell.
It's about 10 degrees below zero in the morning and night.
I was classified today, I think it will be mechanics or photography. I like both, maybe I can learn something.
We might leave for camp tomorrow night, I am not sure.
I hope everyone is well, tell everyone hello.
I really like it and am having a swell time, we can go to shows every night. Last night Bob Pattison and I, he's a fellow I graduated with, went and seen "Tomihawk" with Yvonne DeCarlo," boy oh boy", Van Heflin and Preston Foster. It was real good.
I'll be writing soon, take care of yourselves.
Love Bob.

Friday, July 30, 2010

January 7, 1951 Sunday

Rct. Robert Gimbel U.S. ########
Co. H Reception Center
Fort Sherdian, Ill

Dear Mom & Dad,

How are you?
Well, today is Sunday. We got up at 5:00 a.m., made our beds, mopped the barracks, then went to breakfast. After breakfast we went to our aptitude test, ten of them, we were through at 3:30 p.m.
Sure doesn't seem like Sunday, but I enjoy it more than I thought I would. I am writing this letter at 4:00 p.m. We eat at 5:00 p.m., then we march back to the barracks. If we are permitted, we can go to the PX which is the postal exchange, which is the general store. Lights are out at 9:30 p.m., got to be in bed by 10:00 p.m., if you don't go to the PX, otherwise, it's 11:00 p.m.
There's a lot of swell fellows here, the ones I am with are all from Kazoo.
We will be here until about Wednesday, then we will go by train to our camp.
Remember not to worry as I am "OK". Tell Dad to tell Jack, (Daleiden) I miss him. Ha Ha! Some of the officers don't yell as loud as him.
It will be good to get home, as I miss everyone. Nothing is quite like it as you quickly learn.
I want to mail this, so it will get out in the mail tonight.
So remember to not write until I say so, as I will not get the letter.
Your Son Bob

January 6, 1951 Saturday

Rct. Robert M. Gimbel US ########
Co. H Reception Center
Barracks 650, Fort Sherdian, Ill

Dear Mom & Dad,

I hope you are both swell. I am having a good time, am still with Jay and some of the other fellows. The Sherwin Williams boys, Jack & John. Learned quite a lot about army life today, we got to Fort Sherdian, Ill, this morning at 5:00 am. been going steady all day, it is now 8:30 the Sarge is going to show us how to make our beds now. Got my bed made.
It's a lot more fun than I thought it would be. We got some of our clothing today, just call be "Buck Pvt. Gimbel". The officers are swell guys. They just want you to take their orders, the best reason they say for it is, that some one higher than them said to do it that way.
Dad cigs are $1.50 a carton here.
We are going to take aptitude test tomorrow, this will tell the Army, the job, you are most fitted for.
Mother, I was going to send you something like I did Dad but where I bought the lighter, they had a jewelry counter and it was closed, and I haven't had a chance to get any place to buy anything for you.
I have a return address but the Co. Commander asked us to ask you not to write until I am at my basic training camp. Until then I'll write you.
I can't send this letter until tomorrow because I haven't got m serial number, and it's required on your address.
We will have only 6 weeks basic training, instead of 8 weeks, then I'll be home for 10 days.
It's really cold here as Fort Sherdian is right on the lake front. They say some of the fellows are stationed at McLoy and it's 32 below zero and I don't want any part of that, no how.
The lights are due to go out in 5 minutes so I got to stop writing. Tell everyone hello. Claudia & Rosemary and rest.

January 4, 1951

(So I begin....Bob is 22 years old)

Buck Pvt. Robert Gimbel
Fort Shelby
Hotel, Detroit

Dear Mom & Dad,

We got in Detroit at 7:15 p.m.,had supper, went to show.
Having good time, don't worry. We go to Fort Wayne Induction Center tomorrow morning to have physical (heart & lungs). Then tomorrow night we get on a train which goes to Fort Sherdian Ill. I hear we stay there five days, then don't know where I go but I'll write you and let you know. It will probably be Indiana, Missouri or Texas, maybe Colorado. I hope it's at least warm.
It's after 12:00 p.m., and Jay says he's tired and think I should turn out the light so he can sleep. So I am going to bed too.
Don't worry Mother, tell Dad not to work so hard and I'll be home before you know it. Tell everyone hello. Claudia, Rosemary and the rest for me.
Your Son Bob
P.S. I am sending a couple little things.