Robert Merle Gimbel - Letters home starting 1-4-1951 to 11-15-1952

My brother Bob was drafted into the army in 1951. These are the letters he wrote home to our parents, Orpha Fouts Gimbel and Claude "Bud" Gimbel.

I was born in 1949, so my first memories of Bob were of him on leave, the beautiful oil painting proudly displayed in our living room that his friend painted and of course, after his return, his bright tropical patterned shirts from the Phillipines.

I love you Bob, and I miss you. Mom treasured these letters and now I am sharing them with the world.

World....I hope you enjoy reading them!

Sunday, September 12, 2010

A few more photos..

Thursday, August 26, 2010

November 15, 1952 was the last letter...'s me Rosemary.

Bob did make it home for Christmas of 1952.
The painting by Pedro came, it was framed, and sat on a special shelf in the living room until Bob got married and took it to his home.  No, he did not marry Dottie.

Mom, Dad and Bob were owners of the Gimbel Body Shop, where Bob worked when he returned from the army.

I'm not sure if he ever got that new car, but I know he had a beautiful yellow Buick convertible and a 1953 Cadillac that was what I refer to as Bob's color, he always liked a creamy tan color.  He took flying lessons, and rode with Ted Klinger in his plane.  He didn't get his own license though.  He definitely loved golf and bowling...and enjoyed playing for years.

He's gone now......never to be forgotten by this "cute little sister".

November 15, 1952, Saturday

Pfc. R. Gimbel
U.S. 55######
85 Boat Co. APO - 928
% Postmaster
San Francisco, California

Dear Mom and Dad,

      Here's a few lines to let you know that I am fine and that with each passing day, I am getting nearer to home.
      We just left he island of Kwagalein at 4:00 P.M. this afternoon where we picked up 250 Air Corp boys.
      We left Manila the morning of the 6th of November and reached Guam the night of the 10th, so we have been making very good time.
      The captain of the ship said he wants to be back in Frisco Thanksgiving Day so he can spend it with his wife.  I hope he makes it as I would like to phone you maybe I can make it on Thanksgiving Day.
      Anyway, you don't have to worry about me being home for Christmas, as I'll be long out of the army by then.
      Sounds good, huh?
      It will take 2 or 3 days to go through Camp Stoneman, and 7 days to get discharged at the most.
      We should get to Frisco the 26th and if I do I'll be on my way to Colorado before the week is up.
      I'll be home by December 15 anyway.
      I am sure well, I hope everything is fine, and I got the money in time, thanks and I hope it isn't too cold
as I think I might freeze something off!  Ha!Ha!
      But I'll love every inch of that snow.
      I'll call and I'll close for now.
            With all my love,
                   As Ever,
                       Your Son,
We will be in Hawaii in 5 days, then 5 days to Frisco.


October 21, 1952, Tuesday

Pfc. R. Gimbel
U.S. 5#######
85 Boat Co APO - 928
% Postmaster
San Francisco, California

Dear Mom and Dad,

     Well, here I am again, with some real good news, first, I hope that everyone is well and happy.
     I've been reading in the gazette that a lot of cases of polio are on record, I hope and pray that, it doesn't happen in our family.
     Well, here's the good news, today our orders came down and I am going to leave the 7th of November, and I'll arrive approximately 21 days later, which will be the 28th of November, nice huh!
     I don't know if I will get released right away or if they will give me 30 days leave. 
     I'll call and let you know when I hit the states.
     It sure has happened sooner than I expected, but I am very happy as it will be like a dream.
     I think I'll get discharged at Camp Carson, Colorado, where the 5th Army area men, all do.  I don't know if they will fly us there or by train.
     I've heard that it's 5 days by train, so one way or the other I'll be home for Christmas with bells on.
     I'll need that money sooner than I expected, so I can get ready.
     I spent the $10.00 on shirts, tailoring and etc.
     I'll see you before long, thanks for the Birthday present and pretty card.
     As Ever,
     Love and Kisses.
I am sending 10 Pesos, Japanese money, which was the occupancy money they printed during the war.  It is not worth anything.

October 21, 1952, Sunday

Pfc. Robt. Gimbel
U.S. ########
APO - 928 % Postmaster
85 Boat Co.
San Francisco, California

Dear Mom and Dad,

      Here's a few lines today to let you know that I still am loving and thinking of you all.
      Tell those little sisters, that I got their very nice birthday card.
      Time is growing quite short day after day, and I am really glad of the whole thing.  It won't be long and I'll be the most happy guy in the whole wide world.
       We got back from a week at Baguio, Friday night, we had a wonderful time.  It's real nice as a guy can do just as he wishes, for a change.  Monday night we went to the show and saw "Rancho Notorious", Marlene Dietrich, Old Grandma.  It was pretty good.
      Tuesday morning we got up and went golfing.  I didn't do so good, I only got a 104, of course its only my 3rd time at the game.
      The rest of the afternoon we spent at the service club, playing pool, ping pong.  That night we played Bingo.  I won twice, I got some little jackets for drinking glasses and a real fancy pool cue stick.
      Wednesday and Thursday, we took it a little easy and saw another show, Thursday night, Robert Walker in "My Son John" about communism.
      Oh, yes, Wednesday morning we shot skeet's, 12 gauge Remington Pumps, nice gun but it's just like I figured, when you use a 12 gauge, all you got to do is aim in the general direction.  They have all different angles to shoot from.  I missed just 5 more than the range officer and that's good as he shoots every Wednesday.
     I as weak on Birds, when you call "birds", both pigeons come out in opposite directions and it's a real fast eye.  If a guy could tramp across a field and holler birds and have a Pheasant fly up, he would have the situation made, huh!
     I got pretty much honored yesterday, in inspection, I won a 3 day pass for being soldier of the week, by having my equipment in the best condition, clothes also, and personal appearance.  Quite an honor, huh, I just got back from one 3 day pass too.
     I'll be hearing about going home next month some time.
     If I have time and have to take my 30 day furlough, I am going to drive my car back to get discharged.
     Well, I guess this is all for now, so I'll close, until later. 
     Write soon and lots of love and kisses.
     As Ever,
     You Son,
San Pedro has about another week on my Portrait.  It's going to be 17 x 36.  I think.  I also got 22 papers yesterday. Ha!Ha!

October 4, 1952, Saturday

Pfc. Robt. Gimbel
U.S. ########
85 Boat Co. APO - 928
% Postmaster
San Francisco, California

Dearest Mom and Dad,

      I got your last letter last night and I was happy to get it as usual, and I hope things are fine, home and that your all feeling well.
      I've been doing the same as usual, get up at 6:15 A.M., reveille at 6:30 A.M., of course when I am tired I stay in bed until 6:25 A.M., then have to hurry then though.  Breakfast at 6:45 A.M. Work call at 7:30 A.M., break time at 9:00 A.M., Formation at 11:35 A.M., so the 1st Sargent can say fall out, then we go to dinner, work call again at 12:30 P.M., work until 4:30 P.M.  That's the ordinary day over here.
      It sort of makes me mad that I have to loaf around like this when I could be home working and making money.
     The old saying they have is "Yours is not to reason why, its to do or die."  Of course that's impossible around here, unless you could get trampled in the rush to the mess hall, and I think I have just as much chance of surviving as anyone else, when it comes to that.  Isn't that right?  Ha!Ha!
      Well, I am  going on a 3 day pass up to Baguio again, I sure like it up there, I take time off just as much as I have the chance.  We are going Monday morning, come back the 11th of October. 
      The weather here is cooling off a little, more breeze, anyhow.
      I think I must of gave the wrong impression about when I was coming home.  Well that October 30, deal fizzled out, but it will be only a couple of months more.  I am thinking kind of the last of November.  It will be before we know it anyhow.
      I am going to need some more money, as I have to get my clothes tailored O.D. uniform, that is, and a suit case, just to carry my things, I am going to need, as the duffel bag with the equipment will go in the hold of the ship.
      I hate to ask for money as I know it puts a strain on you back there, but it's really necessary or I wouldn't ask for it.  $25.00 will be enough, I won't need it until November 1st though.
      I am using the pen you sent me, it's quite cute, and it writes good also.
      I got a letter from Dottie yesterday too.  She said, she was sick and had an operation, that's why she hadn't wrote.  I wrote here a nice letter back but it wasn't very serious.
     How was the Marciano and Walcott fight on TV?  I heard it, I guess he really hit him one.
      Well, this is all for tonight and I'll be waiting for time I can be back home.
     Lots of Love,
     Your Son,
I am going to figure out a code and have a copy for you and one for me and I'll let communications radio you the exact date I leave here then you can figure 21 days. 


September 14, 1952, Thursday

Pfc. R. Gimbel
U.S. ########
85 Boat Co, APO 928
% Postmaster
San Francisco, California

Dear Mom and Dad,

     Here's another day in the Army and today I am spending it on barracks guard.
     I hope that you are all fine and well.
     Well, I haven't been doing anything much different lately.
     Back in 1942 there were 11 Filipinos that tried to defend the city of Cavite, and also dying as they did, so now they are great Filipino hero's. 
     The other day, the 85th marched down town as part of the annual celebration.  So all last week Pedro and I had to paint 100 helmet liners, for the parade.  Boy, think that wasn't a job, first we had to paint them O.D., then varnish them as the O.D. was lusterless, after that we had to paint Battalion Crests on them by hand.  I'll draw a couple of diagrams later for you.
      I was almost a nervous wreak when we got them done, as we started them Monday and had to have them done for the parade Friday afternoon.
      Of course it was quite an honor for the company as the Colonel chose us to represent the battalion.
      Boy, I can't figure it out as it is awful hard to get into the mood to write a letter anymore.
      I have pictures of me painting the helmets.  It's a slide, and you need a projector to see it, but it's quite a good picture of me. (Yes it was, and I will find it to post here)
      When Grandpa Gimbel (Otto Lewis Gimbel) comes up next time you can make him show it, if he has his projector.
      Well, you all feel like I do, I don't care to stray 10,0000 miles away from home again myself!
      And I'll surely be glad to get home when I get there.
      But I don't think there's much doubt in me not being home for Christmas, because I think I'll be home before Christmas.  Released from the Army also.  I was originally supposed to leave here the 4th of December.
       So I can either leave then the 5th of November or maybe if I am real lucky the 30th of October.  Nice birthday present huh!
       Well, this is about all for now, so write soon and it won't be long now.
       Lots of Love,
      Your son,